NEE Onboarding Program

Antonio Mould's Portfolio

Building new employee engagement through relevant content and outstanding learner experience.

The onboarding program at GM Financial required an update in content and interactivity to bring the learning modules up-to-date with the learning requirements of new employees. 

I partnered with another instructional designer to produce four courses and revamp an existing New Employee Onboarding Program. I also designed the learning experience general concept and developed a proposal with the support of our graphic designer.




The Design Process 

Click to see section of  a high-design level document 

Initial Design

Based on research and discussions with stakeholders and experts, I produced a comprehensive plan to integrate our training program with the different stages of the general onboarding program.

The solution included an introductory video, four SharePoint landing pages to help learners track and celebrate progress, four online learning modules, and a conclusion video. I also developed a high-level design document for each course.

After the high-level design documents were approved, I developed some of the storyboards using Articulate Rise. They included the text for the presentation, video scripts, and scripts for scenarios and interactions. 

Click the image to watch the video

Click the image to navigate to a practice scenario.

The final courses were also developed in Rise. To improve engagement and interactivity, I added videos created using Vyond Video Animation. I also built interactions and practice scenarios using  Articulate Storyline to enhance learning.